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Sprue Posse Invitational-Tyranids List #1

So again the details can be found here:


This is a possible Tyranid list I'm thinking of running but I'm not 100% sold on it just yet. It's basically a giant hammer but I think it's got the power to land the hit.


Tryanid Prime-110
Bone Sword, Lash Whip, Deathspitter, Toxin Sacs

Tyranid Prime-105
Dual Bone Sword, Deathspitter, Toxin Sacs


2 Hive Guard-100
2 Hive Guard-100

2 Hive Guard-100


10 Termagants-60

10 Termagants-60

10 Termagants-50

Adrenal Glands, Toxin Sacs, Cluster Spines, Catalyst

Adrenal Glands, Toxin Sacs, Cluster Spines, Catalyst

Adrenal Glands, Toxin Sacs, Cluster Spines, Catalyst

-Heavy Support-



2 Carnifexes-330
Frag Spines

2k on the nose. You'll note it's mostly a modification of the previous list I posted in one of my articles. Basically this removes the "distraction" units and just turns the army into a reliable and resilient hammer. I've added a 3rd Tervigon and another unit of gants to round out the list after dropping the Ygmarls and Raveners.

My worry is that in this the Ygmarls could run into an army where they are useless/destroyed off the bat when one of the more numerous competitors (model wise) fills up all the terrain. The Raveners I liked a lot but the possibility of running into a maticore or two and lots of walkers is pushing me away from them as well. I added another unit of Hive Guard as I'm probably going to need the extra bodies since I don't have distraction units anymore.

The army boasts 50 T6 Wounds and another 6 T5 ones. In addition to the gants and the extra bodies I can create. The Fex unit is for killing things like Nobz/cover/vehicle assaults. The 3 FnP castings should help quite a bit as well. I think this is a pretty solid and hard list. Normally I take a slightly faster, more well rounded list but pretty much knowing the style of the players and their likely lists for most of the attendees in such a small event I feel like tweaking slightly from my all rounders. Now I think this list could actually pull out in normal tourney play but it's missing my faster elements I normally like to include like Gargs/Raveners/Parasite J


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